
PMA LC Repeated Questions 141 - All Reapeated Questions Of PMA L/C 141

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                                                                     PMA Long Course Initial Tests

These initial tests are held prior to ISSB Tests and are held at candidates nearest ASRC .Those candidates who are successful in initial tests are short listed and sent calls for ISSB tests.These tests details are shown below.
Here Some Questions Which Are Repeated In PMA L/C of  141



1) Holy Prophet was born in? (571
A.D 22nd April)
2) Hazrat Hajirah (RA) Was the
Mother Of? (Hazrat Ismail)
3) Jab President Nhi Hota To Mulk
Kon Chalata Hy? (Speaker)
4) Ghazwa khandak main khandak Ki
length and width? (10km long 22ft
wide 16ft depth)
5) Kaleem Ullah Kis Ka Laqab Tha?
(Hazrat Musa)
6) Largest Dam in Pakistan? (Tarbela)
7) Which Year Is Called Grief Year In
(The Year in which Wife Hazrat
Khadeeja RA and Uncle of The Holy
Prophet PBUH died)
9) Quid-e-Azam 14 points ki date?
10) Makah was conquered by Holy
Prophet (PBUH) on? (08 hijri)
11) Head quarters of Pak army, navy,
air force? (Rawalpindi, Islamabad)
12) Son of Hazrat Adam (a.s)? (3)
13) MAO high school Aligarh given
the status of college in? (1977)
14) 3rd round table conference?
15) What is the rate of zaqat? (2.5)
16) Roza, Zaqat & Hajj were made
compulsory? (Zakat and Roza in
2A.H) (Hajj 9 A.H)
17) Objective resolution of Pakistan
was passed in? (1949)
18) Current Chief justice of Pakistan?
19) Largest desert of the world?
(Sahara Africa)
20) How many doors khana kabah
have? (1)
21) Migrate to medina year? (622 AD)
22) 1st President of Pakistan?
(Sikandar Mirza)
33) Abu jehal kis jang main mara?
(Betel of Badar)
34) Ashra e mubashra? (Ashra
Mubashra are those Companions of
Prophet Hazrat Muhammad
(P.B.U.H), who were given Good
News in their life that they will be
awarded Heaven)
35) According to the Population
Pakistan’s number? (6th)
36) The miracle of a pregnant female
camel was sent to the nation of?
37) First army chief? (Frank
38) First ayah reveling from which
surah? (Surah Al Alaq)
39) Pakistan nuclear power kab bna?
(28 may 1998)
40) Hazrat Noah (a.s) ki ship kahan
utri? (Turky)
41) 2nd world war? (1939-1945)
42) Badr is is the name of? (A
43) Currency of Australia? (Dollar)
44) K2 ki length in feet? (8,611
meters (28,251 ft)
45) Pakistan’s first president, P.M,
Governor? (Iskander Mirza, Liaquat
Ali Khan, Qaid azam)
46) How many daughters of Hazrat
Mohammad (S.a.w.w)? (4)
47) K2 kon se silsaly mein hai?
48) What is 38 degree parallel,
through which region it passes?
49) Pakistan is located between the
latitude of (23and 36 degrees north)
50) khandaq khodnay ka idea kis ny
diya tha? (Hazrat Sulman farsi)
51) Total Rakuh, Sajda, Ayah of
Quran? (540, 14, 6666)
52) Pak became a member Of UNO
on? (30 Sept 1947)
53) Lacknow pact date? (December,
54) Who was the first president of
U.S.A? (Gorge Washington)
55) Currency of Malaysia? (Rangat)
56) President of Russia? (Vladimir
57) Which bird is known as the
international symbol of happiness?
58) Pentagon is the head quarter of?
(United States Department of
59) Headquarter of UNO is in? (New
60) Presently the number of leading
religions of the world? (5)
61) Who is the secretary of USA?
(John Kerry)
62) Longest river of WORLD? (Nile)
63) Forbidden city is? Lhasa (Tibet)
64) Simon commission date? (1927)
65) Who was the first chief of PAF?
(Air Marshal Zafar Ahmed)
66) India ne atmi dhamakay kb kiye?
67) The atom bomb which was
thrown on Nagasaki?? (Fat man)
65) Name Pilot who dropped Atom
bomb on Hiroshima? (Paul Tibbets)
66) Who was the first chief justice of
Pakistan? (Anwar ul Haq)
67) Biggest country of Africa? (Sudan)
68) Camel name of Hazrat
Muhammad (PBUH) during
migration? (Qaswa)
69) Hazrat Adam was thrown in
which country? (sri lanka)
70) Messaq e Madina? (622 hijari)
71) Shimla conference? (june 1945)
72) Which country has largest border
with Pakistan? (With India 2,912 km)
73) Which military award belongs to
Britten? (Victoria Cross)
74) How many times the name of
Holy Prophet (PBUH) is mentioned in
the Holy Quran? (4)
75) Hazrat Adam (a.s) had ----- son’s
and---- daughters? (3 sons and 2
76) Which Prophet sleeps 100 years
and again woke up? (Hazrat Uzair
77) How many days Hazrat Yousaf
(a.s) remained in the well? (3 days)
78) Only Sahabi mentioned in Quran
is? (Hazrat Zaid bin Haris)
79) Members of SAARC. (8)
80) Speakers of Prophet title of which
Prophet? (Hazrat Shoaib a.s)
81) The incident of Karbala took
place in which Moharram? (61 A.H)
82) Height of Hazrat Adam (a.s)? (90
83) Capital of followings.
a) Turkey b) U.S.A c) Australia d)
Canada e) China f) Spain g) New
Zealand h) Kenya
h) Italy I) Uzbekistan J) Egypt k)
Bhutan l) Kuwait m) Ethiopia n)
Austria O) Lebanon
P) UAE Q) Qatar R) Russia S)
Zimbabwe T) Jordan U) Libya V)
Korea W) Cuba
84) Who imposed 1st Martial Law in
Pakistan? (Ayub khan 1958)
85) 3rd round table conference
86) Ali Garh got a status of college/
University (1877, 1920)
87) Pak became a member Of UNO
on (30 Sept 1947)
88) Tochi Pass is b/w (Pakistan and
89) 2016 Olympics will held in? (Rio
de Janeiro, Brazil)
90) Ashra e mubashra? (Ashra
Mubashra are those Companions of
Prophet Hazrat Muhammad
(P.B.U.H), who were given Good
News in their life that they will be
awarded Heaven)
(1) How many doors khana kaba have??
(2) Largest producer of Quartz on commercial basis??
(3) Name of the atomb bomb which was thrown on Nagasaki??
(4) Pilot who dropped Atomb bomb on hiroshima???
(5) What is longitude???
(6) Japan is having how many major industrial areas???